You're invited! 

 A Brand New Mini Course About Herbal Energetics

  • See how to avoid the major hurdles of learning about herbs! 
  • Say goodbye to mix and match herbalism! 
  • Get essential tips on working with herbs safely!

The Mini Herbal Energetics Course shows you how to get the skills to be an herbalist, so you can confidently choose the herbs that actually work for you and your family (without memorizing lists of herbs or being fearful of making things worse)!

(YES, it's FREE, and loaded with tools you can put to use immediately.)

We take email privacy seriously. We put your email in a vault protected by large patches of stinging nettle.



This FREE class is packed with herbal goodies! 


Flavor Wheel

Download your copy of the Herbal Energetics Flavor Wheel (which is your simple blueprint to herbalism)!

How to use Herbs Safely

Get a safety framework to help ensure you're using herbs without fear of harming someone.

A Whole Week of Events

Live tea tastings, community, bonus surprises, and so much more!



By the end of the mini course, you’ll know where to start with

herbal energetics

PLUS how to take your herbal skills to the next level



Register TODAY to join the FREE mini course 

We still take your email privacy seriously. Not only do we hide your email in a stinging nettle patch we also set up traps of scalding wormwood tea.


Hi! I’m Rosalee and I’m passionate about 
turning the herbal curious into confident herbalists. 


We look forward to seeing you in the MINI Herbal Energetics Course.

Rosalee de la Forêt, RH, is the bestselling author of Alchemy of Herbs and Wild Remedies and a registered herbalist with the American Herbalists Guild.

Questions? Contact us at [email protected] 

Still on the fence?
Here’s what people have said - just about the Flavor Wheel alone… 

The Flavor Wheel is ingenious, and the lessons target people of all learning types…visual presentation, hearing, reading, and tactile exercises. It makes remembering herbal constituents easier and is very practical. I highly recommend it! 

K. Gaines | Charleston, South Carolina 


Love this course for its hands on approach! The flavor wheel definitely hit it on the head.


The basic premise of the flavor wheel really is inspired and is a wonderful uniting element of Eastern/Western herbal practices. It is a useful, helpful way to look at the herbs in our world and their uses.


It puts a whole new perspective on the herbs and with the flavour wheel you have a very quick reference guide at your fingertips.


The Flavour Wheel is a fantastic way to see Herbs systematically organised. I have really enjoyed just browsing or looking for specific information on herbs. I have found the information easy to read and very informative. 

Jascha | Melbourne, Australia


I have the flavor wheel laminated and hanging in my kitchen for easy reference and use it all the time.


I even have my 14 year old granddaughter looking at the wheel when she does not feel good deciding which herbs she needs.


The taste of herbs wheel is a great visual that you will return to repeatedly as you understand where herbs fit into the bigger picture.